Collect your Clay Golem today.

You can find ClayGolems now on Opensea and rarible!

Your own ClayGolem NFT is designed to protect you from all evil on your blockchain journey. There will be 1000 Clay Golems in this first series and we have started now with the first 100 minted Golems (Series 1). Each ClayGolem was manufactured using sophisticated 3d technology.

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NFT Project​

clay golems

“Especially in times of crisis, the golem always returns to protect people. The story of the artificially created giant who carries out the orders of his creators has endured for centuries and inspired generations of artists. From the Talmud and the Bible to Goethe and science fiction films, the Golem has constantly evolved over the centuries to reflect the fears and desires of the people of the time. According to legend, Rabbi Löw from Prague formed the Golem out of clay.”

We create our golems from digital energy and not from clay, but the aesthetics were based on its origin.

Our golems are meant to serve as a symbol of protection on the fascinating but often dangerous digital journey on the Bockchain.

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clay golems​​

We are two experienced 3D artists who have been working in the industry for more than 15+ years and are also fascinated by blockchain technology. We love and live creativity and Blockchain Technology coupled with design ideas that excite us….what better can there be!

Technology, creativity and positivity. That’s what our work stands for.

Get on board now and enjoy the ride with us.

Opensea coming soon!
